


My name is Bjørn Grinde. I am a retired (but still active) scientist from the Division of Mental and Physical Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and a Professor Emeritus from the University of Oslo.

My main interest as a scientist is to understand human nature, which is why I studied biology with additional exams in anthropology and psychology. In my research, I have focused on explaining the process of evolution, and particularly how this process has shaped our brains. I wish to describe the innate tendencies that impact our minds including what consciousness is about. I believe this insight can be used to improve mental health, happiness, and society.


In these pages I present some of my work:

The well represents a source of knowledge, the gate a direction to follow (from an old monastery in Bavaria).

The Nature of Being Human

The human brain is shaped by evolution. Among the many functions included are the capacity to experience life and to have feelings. Our brains are extremely malleable. It means that the key to improving life, for both the society and the individual, is knowing how to form the brain. For that purpose, we should understand our innate qualities and what it takes to have an impact.

Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world, yet these children seem to have found happiness – perhaps because they have each other. 

The Biology of Happiness

Life on this planet, including the human species, makes sense only in the light of evolution. So, if we want to understand the mind, we should turn to biology. The insight obtained offers guidance not only for understanding behaviour but for living.

Our great feats of engineering, from building the pyramids to sending a man to the moon, have been the easy tasks; the real challenge of humanity lies in dealing with human nature. We have the power to turn this planet into a nightmare, but it is also within our capacity to offer mankind the chance of a life more fulfilling than in any previous society. The solution rests with how we deal with the human brain. The brain is shaped by the environment we live in, so a key point is to create the right culture. 

To be a Stone Age creature in an industrialised 'human zoo' tends to cause problems. There is a long list of possible consequences—from depression and suicide to obesity, drug use, insomnia,  and loneliness. We refer to them as the 'diseases of modernity'. We seem to have lost sight of our biological inheritance. We are trapped in an environment that is somewhat at odds with the way evolution shaped us to live. The challenge is to retain the advantages of an industrialised society—particularly those related to medicine, technology, and agriculture—while adjusting life so that the diseases of modernity are minimised.

The brain can be described as a collection of functions or modules. Several modules, including those responsible for pleasure and pain, send information to the part of the brain that generates conscious experiences. We can be happy or miserable. Unfortunately, the 'switches' that regulate our mood modules are meant to control us—rather than us controlling them. Yet, we do have some power of influence. With the right knowledge and techniques, we can improve society and our score of happiness. The task relies on:

1. Certain aspects of the way we live should be adjusted to better suit human nature. The first years of life are particularly important as the brain then develops rapidly.

2. It is possible to exercise the brain, including the 'off switch' for negative feelings and the 'on switch' for positive feelings. With the right training, we move the mood in a positive direction. 

Well-being, or quality of life, depends on how successful we are at following these principles. To employ the former, we need knowledge about what sort of conditions humans are adapted to, and which changes from these conditions that matter. To design relevant exercises, we need to understand the neurobiology of the brain, particularly how consciousness is generated and how to mould the brain. The switches belong to the subconscious, we need to find ways to impact them.

It is important to focus on empathy and social competence. Positive relations enhance society, but they are also a key factor for individual quality of life.